The Team

At the heart of our service is a team of skilled and experienced lawyers capable of meeting the challenges and problems, which face clients today. The firm comprises of legal experts with distinct academic qualifications and legal experience. They have degrees in law from reputable Arab, European and American universities, and are fluent in Arabic and English languages. Their collective experience is diverse and includes extensive knowledge and exposure in all aspects of law. The firm combines seven lawyers of which four are partners. The firm also works closely with assistant legal offices in most of the Arab countries.

Tareq S. Nabeel

Tareq S. Nabeel

Senior Legal Consultant
Masah T. Nabeel

Masah T. Nabeel

Attorney At Law
L.L.M.Commercial Law

 Tareef S. Nabeel

Tareef S. Nabeel

Managing Partner
Attorney at Law
L. L. M. Commercial Law

Faten F. Abboud

Faten F. Abboud

Managing Partner
Special Projects
Client Attorney Coordinator

Shafiq T. Nabeel

Shafiq T. Nabeel


Tareq T. Nabeel

Tareq T. Nabeel


Chester J. Mroz

Chester J. Mroz

consultant executive advisor

Ruba Nizar Hzaien

Ruba Nizar Hzaien

Attorney At Law
Litigation & Dispute Resolution

Saeed Milhem

Saeed Milhem

Advocate Trainee

Haya A. Al-Ma’aytah

Haya A. Al-Ma’aytah

Attorney At Law

Tareq AL_kharabsheh

Tareq AL_kharabsheh

Attorney AT Law

Khouloud Abed A- Kader

Khouloud Abed A- Kader

Administrative Secretary

Marwan I.  Al-Sallaj

Marwan I. Al-Sallaj

Admin Officer