Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Agriculture
Ministry of Awqaf Islamic Affairs and Holy Places

وزارة الخارجيه

  • دائرة الشؤون الفلسطينية

وزارة الزراعه

  • مؤسسة الإقراض الزراعي

  • المركز الوطني للبحث والإرشاد الزراعي

وزارة الثقافة

  • دائرة المكتبة الوطنية

  • المركز الثقافي الملكي

Ministry of Education
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources

وزارة الطاقة والثروة المعدنية

  • هيئة الموارد الطبيعية

Ministry of Transport

Ministry of Transport

  • مؤسسة سكة حديد العقبة

  • الأردن مؤسسة سكة حديد الحجاز

  • السلطة البحرية الأردنية

  • دائرة الارصاد الجوية

  • لجنة النقل تنظيم الأراضي

Ministry of Finance

  • Department of Lands and Survey
  • Free Zones Corporation
  • General Budget Department
  • General Supplies Department
  • Income and Sales Tax Department
  • Jordan Customs

Ministry of Industry and Trade

  • Civil Service Consumer Corporation
  • Companies Control Department
  • Jordan Enterprise Development Corporation
  • Jordan Industrial Estates Company
  • Jordan Standards and Metrology Organization

Ministry of Interior

  • Civil Defense Directorate
  • Civil Status and Passports Department
  • Public Security Directorate
  • The general directorate of gendarmes

Ministry of Justice

  • Judicial Institute of Jordan

Ministry of Municipal Affairs

  • Cities and Villages Development Bank

Ministry of Public Sector Development

  • Institute of Public Administration

Ministry of Public Works and Housing

  • Government Tenders Directorate
  • Housing and Urban Development Corporation

Ministry of Labor

  • Social Security Corporation
  • Social Security Investment Fund
  • Vocational Training Corporation

Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities

  • Department of Antiquities
  • Jordan Tourism Board

Ministry of Water and Irrigation

  • Jordan Valley Authority
  • Water Authority